Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Death of the Pepsi Man :: Creative Writing Essays

The Death of the Pepsi Man One day while lost in the vast woodlands of Scotland, I came upon a pop motorcar, I had no money, and because of my strong moral values, I felt I couldnot force it open with a stick or break it with a rock, because that was wrong.As I sat there leaning against it, I pondered how I could get a refreshing canof pop. I got up and looked around to find a coin or a bill that someone mighthave left or lost. After five or six hours I gave up, no one had droppedanything that I could find. By this time it was now nightfall, so I sleptleaning against this oasis. While asleep, I had a wondrous dream of this pop forge. I dreamed that it opened up and asked me to indulge in a coldrefreshing drink. Another dream I had was where either five minutes the machinegave me a can from now until eternity. When I awoke I jumped up and turned around to see if any of the dreamswere true. I quick saw that they were not. I decided that I could not leavethis place until I had enjoye d a can of pop. By the 3rd day, I had to scout for fodder and water because I was feeling malnourished. As I walked around I found asnack machine the kind with many divine foods wrong such as candy bar and chips,but still no way to eat them. I stayed here until morning trying to rig atransport of some sort for it. I cut a tree down and made 4 wheels andeventually a cart to support the machine and than to transport the machine tothe other. This was such a great task, I forgot about my hunger. By dusk I hadarrived back at the pop machine. As I set the candy machine next to the popmachine, my hunger came back even stronger than before Once again, I knew Icould not break into the machine to eat, again my strong moral values. So Iwent out again in search of food and water. As my walk progressed I found a stream and I took a drink and ate manyfish, then thought that I should of cooked them first. On my way back, I gotlost and had to sleep beneath a foreign tree and try to find my way ho me at daybreak. As I tried to find my way home, I found another machine.

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