Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mexican Culture

Mexican Culture Interpersonal Communication 102 February 17, 2013 There are many different cultures around the world. The Mexican Culture is one that is expanding rapidly in the United States. Although the Mexican Culture is expanding it is very different from the American Culture. The Mexican Culture is a high masculine culture. There are similarities within the American Culture and the Mexican Culture, but also many differences. I was able to spend time with my future step brother-in-law on his daughter’s 1st birthday.Although I have went to family functions that he has attended as well, I did not know him. He typically only speaks Spanish unless he responds directly to a question in English. I was able to learn a lot about Sabino, and his culture. Without this assignment I feel I would not have grown to appreciate Sabino and the Mexican culture. In fact if not for this assignment I would not have attended Evelyn’s, Sabino’s daughter, first birthday celebration . Evelyn’s birthday party was not exactly what I expected. No one sang the traditional American Happy Birthday song.Instead a song called â€Å"Las Mananitas† is sung. Sabino informed me that the lyrics do not translate into Happy Birthday. The song is â€Å"Estas son las mananitas, que cantaba el Rey David,? Hoy por ser dia de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,? Despierta, Evelyn, despierta, mira que ya amanecio,? Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metio. Que linda esta la manana en que vengo a saludarte,? Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,? Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del dia nos dio,? Levantate de manana, mira que ya amanecio. † (S.Xique, personal communication, January 20, 2013). This song is translated into â€Å"This is the morning song that King David sang? Because today is your saint's day we're singing it for you? Wake up, Evelyn, wake up, look it is already dawn.? The birds are already singing and the moon has set. How lovely is the morning in which I come to greet you.? We all came with joy and pleasure to congratulate you? The morning is coming now, the sun is giving us its light? Get up in the morning, look it is already dawn. † (S. Xique, personal communication, January 20, 2013).This song was not only sung at the party, but this is how they woke Evelyn up that morning. What surprised me the most about this birthday celebration is that it was not just a party for Evelyn, but a party for the entire family. It was a chance for everyone to get together with food and drinks. The adults partied as much as the kids. Everyone pitched in and provided different dishes and beer. It seemed that each mom competed for the best dish. I was able to sample tamales and carnitas. I was not brave enough to try all of the dishes as I was told some were extremely spicy.At times it was awkward for me as most of the conversations where in Spanish, but I everyone was extremely polite and gracious. Although I did not know ma ny of the people there I felt like part of the family. After observing my future step brother-in-law’s family the way they live is very different than the way one would live in America. Sabino’s family is different from my own family and after talking more with Sabino I realized he is a very traditional Mexican. One of the biggest differences was his children do not believe in Santa Claus.They still celebrate Christmas, but do not believe in the reason children receive gifts. This may not be true with all people among the Mexican Culture, but it was for Sabino’s side of the family. He said it is very important for him and his wife and his children, to understand that Christmas and Christmas presents are not important, but the reason for the season is extremely important. Sabino’s family is devout Catholics and regularly attends mass (S. Xique, personal communication, January 20, 2013). . An obvious major difference is the language between the two cultures (Mukherjee, 2001).The Mexican Culture mainly speaks Spanish, while the American Culture mostly speaks English. Sabino is able to adapt to American way of life and he can speak English, but it is not his best language. He prefers to speak Spanish. He is quiet if people around him are speaking English, but if he is around others who speak Spanish he chats away. Sabion said he is just more comfortable and can understand things better in his own language. He said that not everything translates the way it is meant to, especially jokes and sarcasm (S.Xique, personal communication, January 20, 2013). While I was observing Sabino’s family I was able to learn many different things about their way of life. The Mexican Culture is very kind and loyal (Mukherjee, 2001). Most get married and have families. Sabino said many of his family members and him avoid any kind of confrontation, and do not try to get into any situation that would include disagreement. This would indicate that his cu lture is high in uncertainty avoidance. They are very sensitive and emotional with everything they do.Members of the Mexican Culture take pride in their work and try to do everything with the best of their ability. Money is not a form of achievement, but they will stride to do everything needed to take care of their families. They are very hard workers, and if they are asked to do something they usually do not hesitate and will complete the task efficiently (Mukherjee, 2001). Sabino regularly sends money back to his sister in Mexico to help her with her children (S. Xique, personal communication, January 20, 2013). This shows that Sabino is a part of a collectivistic culture.He cares about his family, but he believes that it is important focus on the needs of everyone and not just him and his family here. . Family is very similar in the eyes of the Mexican Culture, and the American Culture it is almost the same. The men usually work and the woman stays at home and takes care of dome stic chores and takes care of the children in the home. The Mexican family may not ever separate, and tend to live in the same household together for a very long time(Mukherjee, 2001). Sabino only left his family to start a family with his wife.He told me that some Mexican families never leave from the same house, and even when they start a family of their own, their family will all live together (S. Xique, personal communication, January 20, 2013). References Geert Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Second Edition, Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 2001 Mukherjee, B. (2001, September 23). Difference between mexican and american culture. Retrieved from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/difference-in-mexican-and-

Effects of parental marital instability to children Essay

Parental divorce has a substantial effect on children which can be long-term or short term. Long term effects can range from long-term financial difficulties, psychological, mental, physical and also social problems. This could be as a result of lack of both emotional and social support that is derived from stable families. Divorce entails separation of parents leaving the family broken, a situation that denies the children a safe and steady informal environment for learning. It also minimizes the ability of parents to guard their children against negative influences from the surrounding environment. However, there are some cases where divorce brings about short term relieve to children especially where violence that is directed to children and a parent is involved. Although this may reduce short-term physical together with psychological effects, long-tem effects are bound to occur (Amato, 2000). Financial effects: this arises due to the break up of the family’s financial structure forcing each of the parents to rely on their personal incomes for survival unlike previously when they could pool their incomes together. Since the success of children relies on both financial and social support from parents, children who are brought up in a family with two parents are likely to have high achievements compared to those with one because of the presence of both parents who could offer complementary resources when needed. Each of the divorced parents will be forced to use available resources in trying to set up a new home at the expense of the children’s needs of quality education and better health services. In some cases where fathers start new families, the possibility of children being affected financially rises because the father could end up spending less on them (Cherlin, Kiernan & Chase-Lansdale, 1995). Social impact: the social impact of divorce on children has been found to be massive. Children whose parents divorce during their formative years have been found to be greatly affected compared to those who their parents divorce at a later date. These children become prone to divorce in their later lives. This is so because, during formative years, children require both parents for effective development of skills and values that are necessary in development of stable relationships in future. It is evident in men who grow with single mothers who tend to behave in a deviant way with violent natures who eventually end up being involved in criminal activities (Amato, 2001). Because the children are not able take sides during divorce, they feel as if they are the cause of the divorce. As a result, they may end up getting depressed and eventually becoming suicidal. Their personality and sense of confidence is affected by the regular arguments and fights that their parents may have had. Eventually, after divorce if proper measures such as counseling are not taken, they may become emotionally destabilized which may lead to drug abuse and suicide (D’Onofrio et al, 2003). When the non custodian parent moves far away from the other and does not communicate frequently or in totality to the children, they may feel a sense of loose of a parent. Girls get affected by their father’s absence whereby they may become emotionally withdrawn from both boys and men during growth and later on in life. Divorce cases tend to affect boys more than girls. Boys tend to show signs of violent and criminal behaviors while girls become neurotic depressive which mostly depends on their mother’s behavior. They carry these behaviors to their relationships in future which explain why most marriages of such children do not last (Furstenberg & Teitler, 1994). According to Cherlin, Chase-Lansdale & McRae (1998), divorce may cause long term mental disorders for children between the age bracket 0 and 4. This is so because of lack of care that is essential for full development of the child. An example is when the father is given custody of the child, the child misses an opportunity to breast feed and receive post-natal care which may lead to mental defects later on in life. This affects their ability to perform in sports and school activities (D’Onofrio et al, 2005). To enhance adjustment of the child to the situation, it is recommended that: parents should discuss the impending divorce to ensure that its done at a level where it will not have a great effect to the child, they should be able to answer any question that the child could be having about the situation, the child should be assured that it was not by his/her fault that they separated, the child should be assured that both parents will continue loving him/her, the child’s needs should be the parents’ priority, the parent in custody of the child should not expect his/her emotional needs to be met by the child, parenting should continue as usual, continued visitation of the child by the other parent who doesn’t have custody of the child should be ensured, parents should avoid being critical of the other and avoid interrogating the child about visits made by the other parent (Caspi et al, 2004). In conclusion, the effects of divorce to children are damaging to the child’s development leading to both physical and psychological disorders. This affects the child’s ability to develop social skills which are important in developing stable relationships later on in life. It also affects both financial and social well being of the children involved. The effects can be controlled through ensuring that the affected children are surrounded by an enabling environment which will help them acquire the required social, emotional and financial support. This will help reduce the long-term effects that result from such cases. Other ways that could be considered in trying to reduce these long term effects include looking for a step family or introduction of special mentorship programs in schools. Because of the effects involved, there is need for child mental health specialists who are familiar with the wide range of complications that divorce may have on the child so that they can help reduce if not prevent the effects. References Amato, P. R. (2000). The consequences of divorce for adults and children: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 1269–1287. Amato, P. R. (2001). Children of divorce in the 1990s: An update of the Amato and Keith (1991) meta-analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 15, 355–370. Caspi, A. , Moffitt, T. E. , Morgan, J. , Rutter, M. , Taylor, A. , Arseneault, L. , et al. (2004). Maternal expressed emotion predicts children’s antisocialbehavior problems: Using monozygotic-twin differences to identify environmental effects on behavioral development. Developmental Psychology, 40, 149–161. Cherlin, A. J. , Chase-Lansdale, P. L. , & McRae, C. (1998). Effects of parental divorce on mental health throughout the life course. American Sociological Review, 63, 239–249. Cherlin, A. J. , Kiernan, K. E. , & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (1995). Parental divorce in childhood and demographic outcomes in young adulthood. Demography, 32, 299–318. D’Onofrio, B. M. , Turkheimer, E. , Eaves, L. J. , Corey, L. A. , Berg, K. ,Solaas, M. H. , & Emery, R. E. (2003). The role of the children of twins design in elucidating causal relations between parent characteristics and child outcomes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 44, 1130–1144. D’Onofrio, B. M. , Turkheimer, E. , Emery, R. E. , Slutske, W. S. , Heath, A. C. , Madden, P. A. , & Martin, N. G. (2005). A genetically informed study of marital instability and its association with offspring psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114, 570–586. Furstenberg, F. F. , Jr. , & Teitler, J. O. (1994). Reconsidering the effects of marital disruption: What happens to children of divorce in young adulthood? Journal of Family Issues, 15, 173–190.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Healthcare Professional Career: Licensed Vocational Nurse

A Licensed Vocational Nurse carries out the following: First of all, an LVN takes care of the individuals who are suffering from injuries, sicknesses, disabilities, and even those who are on their way to recovery (US.., 2006).They do the aforementioned though based on the physicians’, as well as, registered nurses’ instructions (US.., 2006). Secondly, they are responsible for checking the patient’s blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and other vital signs (US.., 2006). Third, it is also an LVN’s responsibility to change wound dressings, check catheters, manage bedsores, provides alcohol massages, as well as, to inject patients (US.., 2006). Fourth, an LVN is also accountable for a patient’s allergic reactions to any medication or treatment provided for by the health care institution (US.., 2006). Fifth, it is an LVN’s task to carry out laboratory tests or gather samples for testing, feed patients, and note down the intake of food and fluid, as well as, the number of times the patient’s urinated and defecated (US.., 2006).   Sixth, it is the LVN’s function to oversee the patient’s personal hygiene as well (US.., 2006). The LVN ought to help out a patient when taking a bath, dressing up, etc (US.., 2006). Seventh, LVN’s oversee patients who are about to take in prescribed medicines or intravenous fluids, however, this is only a function of LVNs in selected States where it is permissible to do so (US.., 2006). Eighth, they also provide assistance in the delivery, as well as, feeding of babies (US.., 2006). Ninth, LVNs can take charge and direct nursing assistants and aides but such task is only delegated to those LVNs who are considered to be experienced (US.., 2006). Tenth, LVNs are also in charge of assessment of needs of the patients, development of care plans, supervision of nursing aides, organization of patients’ records, setting of appointments, and other responsibilities which are categorically clerical (US.., 2006). Personal Qualities and Abilities Needed for Success An LVN who intends to become successful should have the following personal qualities and abilities: 1) exceedingly caring; 2) extremely sympathetic; 3) emotionally stable; 4) can keep up with continuous stress; 5) enthusiastic; 6) very devoted; 7) decision-making skills; 8) good communication skills; 9) flexibility in taking orders of supervisors; 10) positive outlook in life; 11) extreme patience; 12) etc   (US.., 2006). Educational Requirements An LVN is necessitated to accomplish a practical nursing program from any State-approved learning institution (US.., 2006). A future LVN should pass the following subjects: anatomy, basic nursing concepts, drug administration, medical nursing, nutrition, obstetrics, pediatrics, physiology, psychiatric, surgical nursing, etc (US.., 2006). A soon-to-be LVN should also undergo a clinical practice in the hospital or any other health care institution (US.., 2006). It should be kept in mind that such clinical practice should be supervised (US.., 2006). Also, it should be noted that typically, a high school diploma is asked for before admission to the program aforementioned (US.., 2006). Licensure, Certification and/ or Requirements The following are the requirements necessitated for LVNs to qualify from the licensing exam technically referred to as NCLEX-ON (US.., 2006). Possible Places of Employment There are vacancies for LVNs in the following: 1) hospitals; 2) nursing homes; 3) offices of doctors; 4) home health care services; 5) homes for the aged/elderly; 6) educational services or institutions; 7) outpatient care health institutions; 8) Federal agencies; and 9) state agencies (US.., 2006). Advancement Opportunities LVNs have a lot of advancement opportunities and some of these are the following: 1) LVNs can supervise nursing aides and even other LVNs (US.., 2006). This is especially allowed in nursing homes/nursing care facilities (US.., 2006). 2) LVNs can undergo training programs to promote himself or herself and become a Registered Nurse (US.., 2006). Wages, Benefits, Standard Payroll Deductions LVNs working at the doctor’s office earn approximately 30K per year, while those who serve at surgical hospitals earn about 33K per year, those involved in home health care services earn about 35K per year, while those in the nursing care facilities are given about 35.5K, and last but not least, those who are in the employment services earn almost 42K per year (US.., 2006). Benefits include the following: 1) annual leave; 2) holidays; 3) retirement; 4) social security; 5) dental & medical plan; 6) long-term disability plan; 7) life insurance; 8) credit union; 9) deferred compensation; 10) bilingual pay; 11) night shift differential; 12) etc (US.., 2006). Standard payroll deductions include: taxes, social security, etc (US.., 2006). Job Outlook for the Future Projected Employment in CALIFORNIA It is said that the job outlook in California is superior and there will be an increase in the employment rate because of the fact that the number of population for the elderly continuous to increase (Licensed.., 2007). Preparing for an Interview I will prepare myself for an interview by making sure to keep the following in mind: 1) know more about the health care institution where I am applying at to add to my credibility; 2) dress up professionally and presentably; 3) practice answering typical interview questions; 4) find people who will serve as my references that will surely sell me to potential employers; 5) bring my resume, driver’s license, social security and other pertinent documents; 6) sell myself by proudly and confidently stating my strengths, abilities, etc; and 7) say thank you to the person who provided me with the opportunity to be interviewed (Ten.., 2007). References Licensed Vocational Nurse California. (2007). Retrieved April 17, 2007 from Ten Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview. Retrieved April 17, 2007 from US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2006). Licensed Vocational Nurses. Retrieved April 17, 2007 from

Monday, July 29, 2019

International business finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International business finance - Case Study Example The report comprehensively analyses the strategies at hand for the XP PLC multinational company and consequently recommends the best strategy/option to be adopted on the basis of financial facts. The XP plc Company’s strengths include diversified business operations in a number of countries. The company has a holding company situated in France. However, it has a number of subsidiaries operating in foreign countries such as in Germany, Australia, Monaco, and Poland. Additionally, the firm has stable sales revenue of over 60 million Euros. This is a clear indication that the company made superior products that are tailored for its customers, hence gaining customer loyalty. The customer loyalty comes about due to the satisfaction of the customers’ preferences and choices. For a company to continue operating in a business environment, it must be in a position to yield profits to cater for company expenses, financing activities, investment purposes and maximizing the company’s value. Since the firm is trading at a net profit of 8%, it has a stable future operation in the economy. A business organisation that is incapable of financing its business activities u sing internal funds such as equity is compelled to borrow from external sources available. Among the external sources of funds is the debt that increases the firm’s financial leverage. Since the proportion of the debt is smaller as compared to the equity, the financial risk is reduced hence a strength to the company that could otherwise be a threat had the debt outweighed the equity capital. The multinational company suffers from a stiff competition in the service industry. This has caused the company to at least diversify its operation worldwide to increase its products and services delivery. The company uses bureaucratic kind of management making it difficulty in making decisions faster. XP plc being a multinational company, it has a chance for diversity. The firm has

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gig City Harbor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gig City Harbor - Essay Example The selection of the potential suppliers shall be undertaken through the RFP. The selection committee shall list all the bidders and qualify them on a transparent criterion. All the eligible bidders shall be shortlisted. The selected bidders shall be the ones that have shown the ability to execute their duties in ways that meet the requirements of the project and also financially stable. The project team shall only use the RFP in selecting vendors. The RFP method allows the contractor to receive a variety of customized strategies in developing the project, thus, has a large pool from which to select a suitable vendor. Under the RFP method of vendor selection, the following procedure shall be strictly followed: The purchase orders and the relevant subcontracts shall only be awarded to the vendors and suppliers whose proposals have shown technical and commercial responsiveness to the bid documents following the criteria above. The budget planning for this project has been closely linked with Risk Management. Some of the risks, foreseen in the project include sign-off delays by the Gig Harbor City Council and the Tax Committee, a situation which may also delay the project take-off. This risk has been covered by the provision of extra working days. Other risks involve injury of the workers. The contingency budgetary allowances have been covered for this by providing medical services

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Biology - Infectious Diseases Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Biology - Infectious Diseases - Research Paper Example In the case of infections, adaptive immunity has a greater role to play. Each foreign organism displays an antigen or multiple antigens that are recognized by the antibodies produced in our body. This recognition allows targeted action and removal of the infectious particles. If the infection is mild, our bodies are easily able to remove it. If however the infection is severe or if the symptoms are dangerous, external medication may become necessary. Also vaccination is important in order to stop the infections from occurring in the first place. Since infectious diseases are a leading cause of mortality, causing about ten percent of all deaths every year, it is important to study then closely and find a cure against them. Initially, there was a theory of spontaneous generation which stated that microorganisms were created out of lifeless matter such as meat broth. There were many scientists who played a key role in refuting the idea but the foremost were Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur . Pasteur devised a series of experiments with beef broth to prove that only when exposed to open air was the broth contaminated. He then proposed his germ theory according to which diseases were caused by microorganisms; however his attempts to prove his theory were unsuccessful. His work was carried forward by Koch who cultivated anthrax virus from a diseased organism and inserted it into a healthy one, which develops a disease (Burnet and White). The virus was isolated again and observed in the lab, confirming the germ theory proposed by Pasteur. A major breakthrough in the field was achieved by Edward Jenner when the first vaccine was developed. During the twentieth century there was a deadly outbreak of small pox that had a very high mortality rate. The victims’ bodies got covered in scabs and blisters that were full of the pox virus. The virus claimed thousands of lives all across the globe. Edward Jenner noticed two things related to the small pox infection. First, tha t the people who survived the onset of small pox did not contact the disease again and secondly the milkmaids rarely got affected by the disease. The milkmaids displayed signs of infection of the cowpox virus which was a milder version of the small pox. Jenner combined these observations and discovered that immunity against the small pox virus could be achieved if the people are injected with the cow pox variola virus. Within a small span of time large scale manufacturing of the variola virus started and worldwide campaigns struggled to spread the vaccine throughout the globe. Finally the efforts paid off and the small pox virus was eradicated from the world (Magner). Since then various vaccines have been developed for different infectious diseases, like polio, cholera, mumps, rubella and many others. These vaccines may be in many forms A live attenuated form of the virus which is alive but weak and therefore a lower chance of causing a disease Dead strains of the virus Toxoid vacci nes which target the toxins produced by the microorganism Viral like particles, generated through genetic engineering that will trigger an immune response without causing a disease. These experiments and incidences allowed the scientists to learn a great deal about the infectious diseases and to develop cures against them. With the advent of modern technology, it is now easier to work on microorganisms. However a new kind of challenge is faced by the scientists around the world. The rapidly evolving microorganisms like HCV and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management of Information Systems and Decision Making Assignment Essay

Management of Information Systems and Decision Making Assignment - Essay Example Knowledge is embedded in procedures, software and equipment, various documents, databases, and online repositories. Knowledge is of two types: explicit and tacit. According to Wilson (2002), knowledge involves mental processes of comprehension that go on in the mind and only in the mind. This is also referred to as the tacit knowledge and it is transferred via inter personal or social relationships (Zack, 1999). Knowledge exists explicitly as codified in form of documents, databases, maps, and blueprints or is available tacitly as routines and experiences resident in the human resources. Knowledge creation is context dependent in terms of who participates and how they participate. Knowledge is one of the most important assets of an organization. According to Wilson (2002), the knowing mind assimilates, understands, comprehends, and incorporates information into knowledge structures of the mind. These structures are unique and biologically determined (Shutz, 1967 cited at Wilson, 2002). The primary focus of knowledge management initiatives is to develop new applications of information technology. The explicit knowledge is tapped, retrieved, stored, shared and documented either manually or digitally. Knowledge has the power to change the organization itself (Zack, 1999). Knowledge created and used within the company can be called tacit knowledge (Zack, 1999). Knowledge management emerged as a separate discipline only in the 1990s. The first generation knowledge management sought to improve information sharing within an organization and second generation knowledge management strategies focus more on organizational processes (Hovland, 2003). Knowledge management, much like knowledge itself, is devoid of a single universally accepted definition. It has been defined as the process of organizing, transferring, and using the expertise available within an organization. Knowledge management can also be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Developing Economies' Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Developing Economies' Issues - Essay Example Less than half a century ago, many underdeveloped countries like Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore which were amongst poor nations of the world; have made rapid growth, flourished & now they are amongst the wealthiest nations of the world. This is all due to some economic reforms their governments have implemented in order to make their country a prosperous one. Any developed nation like the US, China, UK, Japan, Germany etc has such policymakers who focus on every possible ways to get strong economically. They focus on every aspect that can add up sustainability in the economy; like health, infrastructure, literacy & education, living standards, productivity etc. All these factors combine to form a solid economy & a successful nation. No doubt every nation wants that its economy should get stable & strong, but everyone is not like Chinese people who struggled very hard to achieve their goals & made a bench-mark in economical development. India is also one of the developing nations. More than 50% of Indians are poor, but their economy is getting stronger day by day. How is this all happening anyway? The answer is that more than half a population of Indians is suffering & sacrificing for their country.   People such as Indians who are mostly related to the agricultural sector suffer the most, as this sector receives the least income when the foreign investment is being made in cosmopolitan cities. The infrastructure is being rebuilt, the literacy level is increased in cities & there are more job openings in big cities as compared to the villages. Most labor comes from backward areas because there are very fewer opportunities in their own surroundings. Hence the labor force in villages decrease & ultimately this s ector fully vanishes. On the other hand, when the economy of any country gets strong enough, then it makes such imports which fulfill the needs of agriculture in the country. For example, the geography of the  US does not permit to have a large agriculture sector, but it imports all such things without burdening the economy or tightening taxes on the public. So every 3rd world country’s citizen should make sacrifices like those made by Indians, in order to make their country economically stable. At this time, India is highly suffering from the Kuznets factors; there is so much economic inequality in the society as the country is developing, but when India would be in the list of fully developed nations, this inequality will decrease when a certain amount of average income will be achieved.  

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final - Essay Example 1. Describe the paths of water through the hydrologic cycle. Explain the processes and the energy gains and losses involved in the changes of water between its 3 states. Operationally, we often most concerned with water does when it reaches the solid earth, both on the surface and in the sub-surface. Explain the relationship between the saturated zone, the water table, a ground water well and the cone of depression, all within the sub-surface. The paths of water in the hydrologic cycle can be categorized and examined to assist the comprehension of the key processes in hydrology. According to Waite (2010) the determination of the quantity of water that makes way through these identified paths is dependent upon the conditions of the area under assessment and the seasonal variations. O’Callaghan (1996) defines the phenomenon in a series of stages and states that the initial path of water that is associated with the hydrologic cycle occurs upon the entrance of water into a river b asin as a consequence of precipitation which could take the form of rain, hail or snow (1) once, the water transitions from this path the point of interception is determined through the surface of land which could be vegetation or the soil surface (2) this phase of the hydrological cycle is followed by the movement of the water towards the plants or within the soil in addition to the possibility of evaporation which is succeeded by recondensation and precipitation (3). O’Callaghan (2006) comments that in a scenario where the movement of the water is directed towards the soil surface, the water essentially penetrates through the pores of the soil and once the infiltration capacity reaches its maximum, the remaining water covers its path by taking the form of small channels, accordingly, another scenario reflects the possibility of water amassing within the soil system (4) additionally, in case of the saturation of soil horizons water movement occurs as interflow and ultimately goes into rivers and streams. The aforementioned analysis primarily highlights the inflow of water through the hydrologic cycle however, it is important to understand the significance of key pathways which allow water outflow. These pathways include; the process of evaporation, the river network and the groundwater pathways (O’Callaghan, 1996). Any change in the 3 states of water is marked by distinct processes during which energy is either lost or gained. When ice acquires sufficient heat, the solid matter transforms into liquid through the release of heat energy. During this process, the bonds of heated atoms and molecules are broken. The phase change which transforms solid matter into liquid is called melting in which thermal energy is gained. Consequentially, the phase change of freezing is characterized by a loss of energy while, the process of vaporization is marked by the absorption of heat or gain in energy from the surrounding to allow the bonds between molecules an d atoms to break. The water zones within the subsurface in humid regions are categorized on the basis of their depth and contents of water and the lowest constituent of these three stratums is known as the zone of saturation (Petersen, Sack and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Special2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Special2 - Essay Example Q1: The type of partnership that the plaintiff and defendant have established is a Term partnership because it envisages a 2 year term plan, and they have jointly pooled their resources for the operation of partnership business. It is for a profit venture that they have jointly set stakes in the firm and they would have shares profits upon mutual consent. The Uniform Partnership Act states a partnership as "an association of 2 or more persons . . . to carry on as co-owners a business for profit. . . No one factor is alone determinative of the existence of a partnership." In this case, one of the partners claimed that Maslbenden’s participation was just that of a financier and not a partner. However, the Court held that Maslbendens involvement in the business supported the claim that he was a partner. (Lupien v. Malsbenden: Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 1984). Q5: Yes, the capital contribution by each partner is a significant factor in dividing the assets. The Court would like to know the amounts invested by each partner in order to assess the mode of splitting the firm’s assets. This is because partners may not have brought capital into the business in equal proportions, and therefore, it would not be in legal consistency to divide the assets equally. Verdict: I agree with the Judge’s ruling. This is because, in the absence of written contract, the conduct of the parties would bind the partners. In this case, Jeannie Smithers, the defendant wishes to quit the partnership and have it dissolved. In the event there was a written covenant, it could bind the parties. Even a verbal contract is a contract, but the terms and conditions would be as determined by the parties, which may change from time to time. Moreover, only a written partnership agreement could bind the partners in their relationships with other partners and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Movie Review of The Road by Cormac McCarthy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Of The Road by Cormac McCarthy - Movie Review Example I am Legend is another 2007 post-apocalyptic tale based on the novel of the same name, which tells the story of Dr. Robert Neville, a lone survivor of a lethal disease outbreak, which was initially meant to be a cure for cancer. Neville’s family perished in an accident during the evacuation and ever since then, he only lives to find a cure and other survivors in the area. The Road and I am Legend incorporate similar character arcs and themes, of which the most dominant theme is that of loneliness. Neville has his dog, while the unnamed protagonist in The Road fights for the survival of him and his son, they are completely isolated in their endeavors. They live in constant fear of the antagonists, who are actively chasing and pursuing them, which has destroyed the basic concept of a home and pushed humanity to primitive way of life, where they lived in constant fear of being attacked by other beasts. Both Neville and Cormac’s protagonist were victims of a global unrest, which was out of the locus of their control. However, the antagonists in I am Legend were simply infected and had no control over their actions, but in The Road, the cannibals were conscious individuals, who had resorted to eating people in order to survive. Hence, while I am Legend, establishes the antagonists as mere victims, The Road tries to underline a gruesome aspect of human behavior that stemmed from a primal instinct of ‘survival of the fittest’. The cannibals were conscious individuals who had willingly chosen to eat their peers or be eaten, therefore reinforcing the concept that human beings would go to any extent in order to salvage themselves. Both stories follow a similar progression of events, along with similar character transformation but they were brought about by different catalysts. For instance, Neville is pushed to the edge and comes to terms with his mortality after losing his last remaining family member, his dog. On the other hand, Cormac’s protagonist

Monday, July 22, 2019

Harlem a Dream Deferred â€Explanation Essay Example for Free

Harlem a Dream Deferred –Explanation Essay The poem by Langston talks about the fate of dreams that are never fulfilled. The poem is a metaphorical depiction of the disappointment of the ‘black population’ in Harlem. In the poem the dream refers to the hopes of the black people which were opportunity, better living conditions freedom from racism. However the expectations were dashed by conditions of overpopulation exploitation. In the poem, Langston describes the fate of an unfulfilled dream by comparing it to a raisin that shrivels in the sun and ultimately disappears. Here the Sun represents time. The unfulfilled dream may become a sickening reminder of ones failure by ‘stinking like rotten meat’ or it may just crust over with sugar. This last statement here means that society may cover unmet goals with a veil of normalcy. The act is superficial because on the surface the problem may appear to have disappeared. However it would always remain since the root cause was never eradicated. The last line â€Å"Or does it explode? is quite ominous and as it highlights the severity of a postponed dream. Here the poet compares the oppressed black people who have been denied yet another dream as a ticking bomb ready to explode.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A holistic health care team

A holistic health care team Introduction When a patient is admitted into hospital a holistic health care team approach is essential to ensure the right measures are established for a successful recovery. This paper follows a case study of an elderly woman named Mrs. Win, who is post operative Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. The paper will explore her pervious medical history and the impact that it may have on her current health. Possible nursing problems post surgery will be explored, with focus on one key issue. Through collaboration with allied health services these complications can be addressed holistically. A nursing care plan will be constructed in accordance to the case study in regards to giving the patient the highest quality of care whilst in hospital and after discharge. Body of assignment Mrs Win is a 66 year old female patient who is vacationing around Australia in a caravan with her husband. The patient has a medical history of hypertension which is defined as having a persistent high blood pressure, as well as osteoarthritis which is the breakdown of cartilage in joints causing pain on movement (Berman, et al., 2008). Both conditions she self medicates with Atenolol, Paracetamol and Glucosamine. Mrs Win has just undergone a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy which is a procedure that involves the removal of the gallbladder through microsurgery. Using advanced laparoscopic technology it is now possible to remove the gallbladder through a tiny incision in the stomach, this has numerous advantages for the patients wellbeing opposed to the traditional open abdominal surgery. The patient may have had her gallbladder removed for several reasons, these may include cholelithiasis (gallstones), acute and chronic cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) or gallbladder cance r (Herbert et al., 2007). Post surgery Mrs Win has moderate pain, with respirations above the normal limits, her blood pressure is still consistently high however her pulse and oxygen saturation are regular (Berman, et al., 2008). After Mrs Win Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy there are several skills expected of nursing staff to implement so the patient avoids potential problems post operative and furthermore to manage current issues that may be associated with the surgery. Pain management is paramount to the care of a patient. Mrs Win is experiencing pain 3/10 in her abdomen and 5/10 at her right shoulder tip. It is crucial that pain is managed effectively as it can have a detrimental effect on her physical and psychological state, which will impact on her daily functions (St Marie, 2002). Mobility may also become an issue for Mrs Win post procedure due to a variety of reasons which will be discussed in detail later in the paper. Nutrition and hydration are essential to fuelling the body with energy. Mrs Win is complaining of nausea and is only tolerating small sips of water which is inadequate to sustaining normal daily function. Lack of nutrition impacts on her activities of daily living, hampers wound healing, the capacity to fight infection and her general recovery (Dudek, 2001). Mrs Win is also at a risk of impaired skin integrity due to poor nutrition, restricted mobility and her age. Without proper nursing support many factors could work against the patient and begin to breakdown her skin. It is essential pressure area care is performed every few hours to prevent decubitus ulcers (Berman, et al., 2008). Impaired respiratory function is also a key nursing issue as complications can arise with Mrs Wins breathing. Mrs Win is on oxygen therapy of 3L per minute via nasal cannula and currently has a respiratory rate of 22 breathes per minute which is above the normal range 20 breaths per minute (Berman, et al., 2008).Other potential breathing problems can be initiated by the narcotics she is taking for pain management this includes morphine as it can suppress the respiratory system (Bullock Manias, 2011). Wound care is a crucial nursing issue for Mrs Win post surgery as she has four incisions in her abdomen with Verivac drains insitu. Maintaining clean wound sites is essential to help guarantee the site heals effectively without the invasion of micro organisms which can cause infection that may lead to further complications (Bowler, Duerdun, Armstrong, 2001). Constipation with Mrs Win can become a potential nursing issue whilst in hospital and after discharge. This implication can arise due to the gastro Intestinal track being lethargic after surgery because of general anaesthetic or the trauma received to stomach during the operation. Peristalsis may also be delayed as constant lying on the back can inhibit this movement of the bowel( Mattson Porth, Matfin, 2009) This would make Mrs Win feel uncomfortable and can be medicated with oral laxatives or suppositories (Bullock Manias, 2011). Mobility would be a major issue for Mrs Win during her hospital stay and furthermore after her discharge because she is travelling around the country by caravan. Mobility is defined as the ability of a person to move efficiently and effectively from one place to another with comfort and ease (Crepeau, Cohn Schell, 2003). A person being immobile can severely impacts on their activities of daily living and take away their independence, which can become detrimental to the persons mental wellbeing (Crisp Taylor, 2005).Post surgery from Mrs Win Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy her mobility would be significantly affected for various reasons. She is experiencing pain which will put off any movement as it would be uncomfortable furthermore she is nauseous and may not feel confident getting out of bed. Mrs Win may be dizzy and fatigued from the pain medication which may also restrict her movements. Additionally the patient is on oxygen therapy, an intravenous line and Verivac drains insitu the se factors may discourage movement. Anxiety of these restricting factors may also deter Mrs Win to ambulate. Impaired mobility can have detrimental affects the body physically and mentally. Without movement venous circulation slows down and the coagulation of blood increases causing thrombus and embolus (â€Å"Nursing fundamentals: the effects of immobility,† 2007) The respiratory system can be notably affected as hypostatic pneumonia may develop because immobile patients have pooling of chest secretions in the lungs and this congestion predispose the respiratory tract to infections (â€Å"Nursing fundamentals: the effects of immobility,† 2007). Other consequences from immobility include muscle atrophy due to lack of exercise and the formation of pressure sores if left in the same position for a prolonged time (â€Å"Nursing fundamentals: the effects of immobility,† 2007). Impaired mobility can hinder Mrs Win personal hygiene which can psychologically affect her if she feels she is losing her independence (Crisp Taylor, 2005). Allied health services would be of great assistance to help Mrs Win recuperate after her operation. Holistic care can be provided to the patient to help with her issue of immobility, the professionals that can help include: an Occupational Therapist, a Physiotherapist, Dietician and a Social Worker. An Occupational Therapist would be beneficial for Mrs Win to help her resolve the issues which hamper her undertaking activities of daily living. An Occupational Therapist considers the persons environment and implements strategies or equipment to help clients increase their independence with daily tasks including washing, dressing and getting in/out of caravan(Crepeau, Cohn Schell, 2003).The occupational therapist could asses her caravan and see if it is suitable for a person recovering from surgery who also has a history of osteoarthritis and if needed make changes to help Mrs Win cope with immobility (e.g. a rail to help her step up into the caravan). Physiotherapists endeavour to develop functional ability of physically impaired clients which will improve their quality of life. A Physiotherapist develops plans based on individual needs to help their clients ambulate with reduced pain and to restore the normal functions of body movement (Herbert et al., 2007). Mrs Win would profit from the help of a Physiotherapist because she is in pain and has decreased mobility following surgery, furthermore her osteoarthritis is contributing to her condition. Mrs Win would have problems with carrying out daily tasks so she can take benefit from care planning and exercises to assist the return of strength, normal function and mobility. An essential element to recovery from surgery is the consumption of a nutritional and healthy diet which is why a dietician would help Mrs Win recuperate post surgery. Dieticians have skills to personalise healthy diets and educate individuals on good nutrition (Dudek, 2001). Mrs Win would benefit from this service as she is not eating hence her meals need to be designed to give maximum nutrition to create the energy needed to facilitate a recovery and fuel mobility. A dietician can additionally educate Mrs Win on foods which stimulate the production of bile needed to break down foods. Bile production is crucial for Mrs Win as she no longer can store bile in her gallbladder so she may need to produce more to help with the digestion process. Incorporated into Mrs Wins care planning could be a Social Worker whose role is to improve the quality of living by assisting them to handle and solve issues with daily life (Payne, 2005). Travelling around the country in a caravan, Mrs Win is away from her support networks and may struggle to deal with daily tasks due to poor mobility. The social worker can organise coping mechanisms to help her deal with the immobility or alternatively arrange accommodation close by until Mrs Win is healthy enough to travel again. Conclusion This paper explored the case study of Mrs Win a 66 year old female post operative from a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. We explored her pervious medical history and defined the implications it can have on her current health and furthermore discussed the patients medical diagnosis. In relation to her medical diagnosis several nursing issues where identified with the emphasis on the key problem of immobility and what impact this has on Mrs Win. The paper proposed which allied health services could be beneficial to Mrs Wins recovery. Finally a care plan was constructed with the intent to better the patients health by setting health goals and plans to achieve them. An evaluation was made to determine whether these plans where effective in improving Mrs Win quality of living with all documentation supported with relevant and reputable information.

Interruption Interception Modification And Fabrication Attacks Computer Science Essay

Interruption Interception Modification And Fabrication Attacks Computer Science Essay The communication has been playing an important role since the dawn of civilization. It has become an integral part of existence in the societies which are highly networked where we live in. A few types of communication types have been developed during the earlier stage of civilization which resulted in evolving many types of communications till today. The communication through the internet is the best examples of the latest communication types.There are different types of communications prevailing in our day to day life such as Radio communication, Mobile communication, Telephonic communication and Network communication. Each communication type has its own importance but the communication over a network has been mostly implemented in our life and has been evolved as the most powerful and highly developed communication methods. The network communication method has created a great impact on lives of humans. So as this method is gradually developing and being used by many individuals a nd organizations, such advance in the technology has resulted in the security issues such as threats or malicious attacks to the individuals and organizations. So there is a need to encounter these threats and attacks which resulted in the introduction and development of different mechanisms for providing different services and CRYPTOGRAPHY is one of the mechanisms which is mostly used in the network communication. TYPES OF SECURITY ATTACKS: There are different types of security attacks which affect the communication process in the network and they are as follows Interruption: This type of attack is due to the obstruction of any kind during the communication process between one or more systems. So the systems which are used become unusable after this attack by the unauthorized users which results in the wastage of systems. Interception: The phenomenon of confidentiality plays an important role in this type of attack. The data or message which is sent by the sender is intercepted by an unauthorized individual where the message will be changed to the different form or it will be used by the individual for his malicious process. So the confidentiality of the message is lost in this type of attack. Modification: As the name indicates the message which is sent by the sender is modified and sent to the destination by an unauthorized user. The integrity of the message is lost by this type of attack. The receiver cannot receive the exact message which is sent by the source which results in the poor performance of the network. Fabrication: In this type of attack a fake message is inserted into the network by an unauthorized user as if it is a valid user. This results in the loss of confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of the message. CRYPTOGRAPHY: DEFINITION: The word cryptography is the science of securing information by different techniques such as encryption and decryption. The word cryptography is derived from the Greek word Kryptos which means hidden and graphia means writing, so totally it means hidden writing. Cryptology and Cryptanalysis are closely related to Cryptography. Cryptanalysis is the process of breaking the ciphers and coded without using a key and whereas the cryptology is the combination of both cryptanalysis and cryptography. In the process of cryptography the data which is to be transmitted and received is enciphered by different keys so that it cannot be understand by the unauthorized users. But only the sender and receiver can be able to understand this data. HISTORY: The concept of cryptography was originated in 2000 B.C. in Egypt where the Egyptians practiced hieroglyphics where it is used to reveal the story of the dead people by decorating their tombs and this process was practiced in order to make them to see more ceremonial, majestic and noble but not to hide the message themselves. But later many encryption techniques have evolved for show into practical applications in order to hide the information from others. The history of cryptography was very interesting and many changes have been undergone through many centuries. During the ages of civilization the important issue was the maintenance of secrecy due to the different reasons by individuals or groups and this secrecy maintenance helps the individuals or groups to gain a competitive edge, the true intentions of each individual can be hidden and also the weakness can be reduced. The innovations or advance in the technology has resulted in the changes in cryptographic history. The process of cryptography has begun by sculpturing the message on wood or stone and then it is sent to the person who has to be received and it is deciphered to the original text by different process. But the development of cryptography has undergone many changes from carving the message on wood to the stream of binary codes. These streams of binary codes are transmitted over network wires, airwaves etc in the past but now these binary codes are sent in the form of 0s and 1s through internet cables or open airwaves. These packets are encrypted so that they are not disturbed by the unauthorized users. The Egyptians have started the process of cryptography by replacing the original message with the different message with the help of cipher and this process is known as substitution cipher where each letter in the message to be sent is replaces with the different letter so that unauthorized cannot understand. This message is again retransformed to the original form by the receiver. For e xample the sentence or message STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY (Plain text) is changed to TUBGGPSETIKSF VOJWFSTJUZ (Encrypted text or cipher text) where each letter is replaces with the preceding letter so that no one can understand. ANCIENT METHODS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY: During the ancient times there were different cryptographic methods which have been implemented for securing the data safely so that it cannot be accessed by an unauthorized user. So the different methods are as follows Hebrew cryptographic method: This is one of the ancient methods of cryptography where flipping of the alphabets takes place in such a way that the mapping of the each letter in the original alphabet and the flipped alphabet should not match each other that means the corresponding letter in the original alphabet should be different in the flipped alphabet and this method of encryption is known as atbash. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA For example the encrypted form of the word Staffordshire University is hgzuuliwhsriv fmrevihrgb. Spartans method: This method of cryptography was implemented around 400 B.C. by the Spartans where they used to encrypt the message or information by using a sheet of papyrus and a wooden stick or rod. The message which is to be sent is written on the papyrus and it is wounded around the stick or rod and this information can be known by the receiver only when the message was wounded around the correct staff so that the letters would properly match. This process is known as scytale cipher and when the paper is removed from the stick or rod the message which was written on the paper was just found as the group of the random characters and this different pieces papyrus are sent to group of soldiers by Greek government with the help of carriers. After receiving the papyrus the soldiers then wound this papyrus around the stick or rod which is of equal diameter and length so that the letters which are random match with the letters with the second rod and the message which is sent can be kn own. The soldiers make use of this method for the information about the strategic moves and military directives. Julius Caesar method: This is also one of the ancient methods of cryptography where Caesar developed a method where the letters of the word are shifted by some number which is set. He developed this method because of his non trustiness on his messengers. So he used to shift the letters by the number 3 such as the letter A is replaced by letter D. So the one who knows the shift by 3 rule can only decipher the message. STUDENT (Plain message) VWXGHQW (encrypted message) CONCEPT: The main concept of cryptography is the process of securing the information by changing the original form of the text or message to the form which cannot be read by the unauthorized user. The message which is sent originally by the sender is known as plaintext which can be read by everyone and the encryption technique is applied to this plain text which results in the formation of cipher text or encrypted text which cannot be read by an unauthorized user. An encryption algorithm is used to convert the plain text into cipher text and again this cipher text is retransformed into plain text by decryption algorithm. This means that cryptography is the science which is used for protecting the message or information by providing different ways and process in order to convert the message or information which cannot be read by anyone. The data or message is converted in such a way that the No access of data for an unauthorized person Information present in the data frames is hidden Data authentication is formed The altering of the data is avoided The message originator cannot disown the data So the information which is transmitted on information and communication systems can be protected or secured by the technology known as cryptography. This technology is applied in many fields such as finance, personal data, military etc.This technology provides a means of authentication verification of the data so that the real culprit can be caught who interrupts the confidentiality and integrity of the data. DIFFERENT TERMS IN CRYPTOGRAPHY: Cryptography: The science of protecting the message or data by using different techniques is known as cryptography. Cryptosystem: The process of encryption and decryption comes under cryptosystem. Cryptanalysis: The process of converting the plaintext from the ciphertext without use of a key. Cryptology: It is the combined study of cryptography and cryptanalysis. Encipher: The act of converting the data which is cannot be readable by an unauthorized user. Decipher: The act of converting the data into readable format. Plain text: This is the original message or the initial message which is sent by the sender to the recipient. This also known as clear text or original text. Encryption: This is the process of converting the plaintext or original text into the text in order to cover the message which cannot be understood by any unauthorized users. Ciphertext: The text which is sent for encryption results in the form of text known as cipher text or encrypted text which cannot be read by unauthorized users. Decryption: This is the opposite of encryption where the encrypted text or cipher text is retained to its original form by using this technique. The conversion of cipher text to plain text takes place in this process. Hash algorithm: This is the algorithm which is used in the encryption technique for the conversion of large string to the fixed length string. This increases the speed of the process. Key: Key is the specified value which is used for encrypting the plaintext to produce the ciphertext.The value of the key will be very high. It is the series of bits and instructions which governs encryption and decryption Cipher: This is the algorithm which is used for the translation of the plaintext to the ciphertext which is the intermediate form GOALS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY: The main objective of the cryptography is to secure the information which is sent from the sender to the receiver so that it cannot be accessed by any unauthorized user and in order to maintain the security of this information cryptography has need to take care of some characteristics which are as follows Confidentiality: The phenomenon of confidentiality plays an important role in cryptography. Confidentiality is the method of securing the information or message such that it can only be accessed only by an authorized user who is proposed to read it. The confidentiality of the information loses its importance when it can be accessed by an unauthorized user. So when a message is sent from A to B, only B should be able to understand the message. Authentication: The phenomenon of authentication also plays a major role in cryptography. The identity of the sender who is sending the message is very important for the receiver. So this is the process of sending the identity proof of the sender to the receiver such that the receiver can be able to know the person who is sending the message. The main concept here is the assurance. Integrity: The integrity of the message has very much importance in cryptography. The message which is sent by the sender should be the same when it is received by the receiver. The message should not be altered or changed during the transmission process by any unauthorized users. So this is the method of making sure that the message which is sent is not altered or tampered during the transit. The contents which are present at the sender should reach the receiver with the same contents without any change. Non-repudiation: This is the method to make sure that the message which is sent is nor disowned. The s ender after sending the message should not declare that it has not sent the message .Once the message is sent by the sender then he is the originator of the data. He has no authority of denying of sending the data. So these are the characteristics of cryptography where all these elements are maintained and implemented during the process of transmission of data from sender to the receiver. CRYPTOGRAPHIC or ENCRYPTION TECHNIQUES: A key plays an importance role in the classification of the cryptographic techniques. The number of keys used decides the type of cryptographic techniques used. So the two important cryptographic techniques area s follows SINGLE OR SECRET KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY OR SYMMETRIC ENCRYPTION: The single key cryptography is one of the main cryptographic techniques where only a single key is used for encryption and decryption of the data or message. So only a single key is responsible for the process of encryption and decryption. This is also known as symmetric key or secret key or private key encryption. So the process of encrypting and decrypting the message or information or data with the help of a single key is known as single key cryptography. The same key which is used for encryption is also used for decryption. The important point of this type of cryptography is that the both transmitter and the receiver should accept on the same key. Symmetric cryptography or encryption between A and B: The process of single cryptography takes place between A and B by sending the message between them. The message which is to be sent by A should not be accessed by an unauthorized user and it should be able to read by only B. In order to make sure that only B has to read the message then a secret key is generated by A. So the secret key which is generated is used for the encryption of the message and this encrypted message is sent to B in the form of ciphertext.This process is known as encryption.Inorder to read the encrypted message by B there is a need of the secret key which is generated by A. So the secret key is transmitted by A to B by different means. The key can be sent to B directly in person by A but it depends on the distance between A and B which effects time. If the distance is more it takes more time and vice versa. The availability of B also plays an important role in sending the key. So as soon as the key is received by B then the decryption of the data takes place wit h the same key in order to retain its original form which is the plain text. So the secure transmission of data takes place between A and B. PROBLEMS IN SYMMETRIC CRYPTOGRAPHY: The main problem in symmetric cryptography is with the key which are used to encrypt and decrypt the data or message. The key which is used here is not more secure.Inorder to transfer the message in the symmetric cryptography the sender should send the key along with the message through internet in the form of e-mail or through IRC services. So this type of transmission of keys is more insecure so that the data can be altered or tampered. The key can be transmitted physically but the distance between the sender and the receiver plays an important role and which is insecure. The process of transferring the key verbally through a phone line results in the leakage of the conversation to others. The sharing of the keys is also one of the problems in this type of cryptography. The other problems in this type of cryptography are key distribution and key management. This type of cryptography lacks in providing data integrity, non-repudiation and data authentication. Digital signatures canno t be created by symmetric cryptography. PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY OR ASYMMETRIC ENCRYPTION: The public key cryptography is also one of the main cryptographic techniques which is used for the secure transmission of data. Based on the security issues which are limited in secret key cryptography the public key cryptography has been evolved. This concept was introduced by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1975. The process where the encryption and decryption of the data or message takes place by two keys instead of a single key is the public key cryptography and this technique is known as asymmetric key encryption. As the name indicates asymmetric key encryption, one key is used for encrypting the data and the other key is used for decrypting the data. These two keys form a pair of keys and the combination of these two keys is known as key pair. The two keys which are used here are public key and secret key or private key. The public key can be liberally distributed to any one which is used for encryption and thus this is named as public key encryption. The other key which is the private key or secret key cannot be distributable to any one and is used for decryption. The secret key is private to any communicating part participating in the process. In this type of cryptography the message or data can be encrypted with only one key and decrypted with the other key where the key which is used for the encryption cannot be used for decryption. So the data or message which is encrypted by the public key should only be decrypted by the private key and vice versa that means the data which is encrypted by the private key should only be decrypted by the public key which results in asymmetric cryptography. Asymmetric cryptography or encryption between A and B: The asymmetric key encryption takes place between A and B by sending message or data between them. The message which is to be sent to b should not be accessed by any unauthorized user. So the decryption of the message should take place with the help of the private key by B. So B contains both the private key and the public key. The public key which is distributable is distributed to A and then A encrypts the message or data with the help of the public key which is sent by B. So the file which is encrypted by A is sent to B where the decryption of file takes place with the help of the private key. So the message or data cannot be accessed by any one because the private key is used for decryption which results in the secure transmission of data. SO the security of the data is more in the public key or asymmetric cryptography or encryption. The above process reveals that the only the public key is used for encryption and only the private key is used for the decryption of the data which reduces the unwanted access of data by an unauthorized users. The loss of data will be very low in this type of cryptography. The possibility of tampering or alteration of the data or message is very low in this type of encryption. The exchange of information or message is very secure in this process. As in the symmetric encryption the sharing of key is not necessary for the encryption or decryption because it uses different keys for different process. The public key is responsible for all the communications but the private key remains silent without any sharing. So each recipient has its key which is unique and this key is used to decrypt the data which is encrypted by its opposite part. PROBLEMS IN ASYMMETRIC CRYPTOGRAPHY: The major problem in this type of encryption is key lengths. The lengths of the keys which are used in public key encryption are very large of 1024 bits to 4094 bits. This results in the low speed of transmission of the data. The key lengths in symmetric cryptography are less from 40 bits to 256 bits which helps in the fast transmission of the data when compared to public key cryptography. So when compared to symmetric key cryptography the public key cryptography is most secure. The messages can be easily transmitted and can be secured in public key cryptography. The key distribution in the public key cryptography is the main asset for this type of encryption. The key management problem can be avoided in this encryption .the strong cryptography can be provided by the public key encryption which is the revolution in the technology. So public key cryptography has more benefits than private key encryption. CRYPTOGRAPHIC OR ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS: The algorithm is the step to step procedure or the group of mathematical rules which are used for enciphering and deciphering the message or information or data. There are many algorithms which are used in the cryptography and they are known to everyone. So the different types of encryption algorithms are as follows SECRET KEY OR SYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS: As the name indicates that in this type of encryption only a single key or a dedicated key is used for both encryption and decryption. The secret key algorithms which are used widely are as follows Data Encryption Standard (DES): Data Encryption algorithm is one of the secret key encryption algorithms which is the most widely used. The Data Encryption Standard specifies a FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms as required by FIPS140-1.The Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm has been developed by IBM in the year 1970s and the adaptation was made by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).This is also specified in the ANSI X3.92 and X3.106 standards and also in the Federal FIPS 46 and 81 standards. The exportation of this algorithm is strictly restricted by the US government such that it could be used by the unauthorized people or government. Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm provides basic building block for the data protection. The DES is a block cipher which is of 64-bit block size which converts the 64-bit input into the 64-bit output by applying the 56-bit key to each 64-bit data. There are 72 quadrillion or more keys which are used for encryption. So for each message or the information a suitable key is selected from these possible keys and then the process of encryption and decryption takes place with the same key which is the private key or secret key. But due to the innovation in the technology this type of algorithm has proved insecure which resulted in the introduction of Triple-DES (3DES) ALGORITHM where the name itself indicates that the encryption is done three times which is more secure and uses a different key for each encryption. Controversies around DES: The Data Encryption Standard (DES) has been bounded by different controversies such as the key length which s used is used in this type of algorithm has been reduced from 128 bits to 64 bits which resulted in the compromise on security and the other one is the exportation of the algorithm to many countries. DES APPLICATIONS: The Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm has many applications apart from encryption and authentication of data. So the different applications are as follows Data Storage and Mail Systems: The data which is stored in the computers can be protected by the process of encryption and authentication. The passwords which are created by the users in the computers are encrypted by the systems and are stored in the computer memory. The user when enters the password again for signing then the encryption of this password also takes place and this is compared with the other encrypted password and the access to the computer takes place when they both match otherwise the access is denied. The encryption of the password is done by Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm with the key which is equal to the password and the plaintext which is equal to the users identity. The files which are present in the computer can also be encrypted by Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm for the storage. The computers have a key notarization system which are integrated into them and are used to secure the files from unauthorized access, modifications etc.This Key notarization also helps in providing digital signature capability by using DES.DES gives the users the ability of exercising a group of commands for the purpose of key management, data encryption and authentication functions. The facilities execute notarization which on encryption seals a key or a password. The sealing of key or password takes place with the transmitter and receiver identities. So the receiver must provide the correct identity of the transmitter in order to decrypt the message. This technique of notarization is applied in ANSI standardX9.17 in order to protect against key substitutions which may lead to the compromise of the sensitive data. The secure mail can also be provided by DES .The conjunction of the mail system and the key notarization system helps in providing the secure mail. The header which contains the information which is necessary to decrypt and authenticate the mail file is appended automatically to the file which is transmitted to the receiver. So the decryption and authentication of the file takes place by the receiver in a near transparent manner. `Electronic Funds Transfer (Wholesale and Retail): This is one of the main applications of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. The DES plays an important role in protecting the wholesale and retail electronic funds transfer messages. Different standards such as ANSI X9.9 and ANSI X9.19 have been developed Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) messages. The efforts made by these communities have led to the formation of encryption standards (ANSI X9.23 Draft) and Key management (ANSI X9.17 ANSI X9.24 Draft) standards. The DES is applied in workstations, point of sale terminals, automated teller machines and host computers. The range of data which is protected by DES is of the range from 50$ to a multi-million-dollar transfer. The main criterion which helps the DES algorithm of its usage in the wide variety of EFT applications is the Flexibility. The standards which are developed for EFT application are being developed globally and so the process of encryption, authentication and k ey management have become global. The daily transfer of billions of dollars is done by the US government and the security of this transfer is taken by the Department of Treasury by initiating its policy on the authentication of EFT messages. The support of the Federal Reserve Bank is given to the Treasury in order to make the policy successful. The system which the treasury is considering uses hand-held tokens which contains DES key which are generated for the purpose of a particular individual. The authentication of the EFT message which contains the individuals identity is done by the key which is supplied by the token. The message which is authenticated is the electronic substitute for a signed paper document. Electronic Business Data Interchange: The very big companies have large part of the business transactions and these transactions should be automatic so that cost can be reduced and increases efficiency. So in order to achieve all these large companies are developing the process of automating business. The traditional method of business transactions which is paper based is replaced with the electronic means of transmission. The ANSI Accredited Standards Committee X12 is responsible for these communications by developing different formats. The transaction between the seller and buyer can be accessed by any unauthorized users. So there is a need for protecting the data from the modification and eavesdropping which is done by the process of cryptography or encryption technique. This technique is very effective in protecting the data from unwanted users. The data which is sent by the sender cannot be readable by anyone unless the receiver. Many DES standards have been developed for the pu rpose of the Electronic business data interchange. The standard ANSI X9.9 helps in protecting the data from the unnecessary modifications by the unauthorized user, the unauthorized disclosure can be prevented by the draft ANSI Standard X9.23.The techniques of ANSI Standard X9.17 used for the secure generation, distribution and the storage of DES keys. The above explained methods are implemented by General Motors and seven associated banks in order to protect their business transactions. ATTACKS ON DES: In addition to these different applications of DES it has some weaknesses which are as follows Brute Force Attack: The brute force attack is the simplest attack to decipher. The attack of brute force on the DES is due to the length of the key which is relatively small that is 56 bit and also computational power of the computers which is increasing daily. In the 19th century this type of attacks are not done by the hackers because the cost of the computers are relatively high and the hackers couldnt afford to buy it. But the innovation in the field of computing and technology made the hackers to easily buy the computers and try to hack. Now a days every computer is used for hacking. The powerful, Faster and cheaper techniques which are used by the hackers are Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Application -Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC).The time taken to break the cipher is directly proportional to the key length in the brute force attack. In this type of attack the random generation of the keys takes place and these keys are applied on the ciphertext till the origin al key is generated. So the fake key decrypts the message in to its original form. So the main factor which is to be considered here is the key length. The longer the key length the higher is the security. In a n bit long key 2 to the power of n steps are required to break the cipher. So as long as the key length is going to increase then the secure data transmission takes place in the network communication. So in order to get the safe encryption the key lengthy should be long such as the 128 bits which results in the reliable means of encrypting the message. Differential Cryptanalysis Attack: This type of attack is found near the pairs of ciphertexts where the plaintext has some particular differences and these differences are analysed by this attack when the plaintext is propagating through several DES rounds when they are encrypted with the help of the same key. TRIPLE DATA ENCRYPTION STANDARD (3DES): Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) is also one of the encryption algorithms and it is the minor variation of Data Encryption Standard (DES).Triple-DES is adopted by ANSI as the X9.52 standard and also been proposed as a revision of FIPS 46, known as draft FIPS 46-3.This algorithm makes use of a 64-bit key which consists of 56 effective key bits and 8 parity bits. The block size for Triple-DES is 8 bytes and the encryption of the data is done in

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Militarism Caused WWII Essay -- World War II WWII WW2

Militarism On Sunday June 28, 1914, a member of the terrorist group The Black Hand, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Many historians say that this event was the cause of World War I. There is also a theory that the assassination of the Archduke was only a trigger and that the war itself was caused by numerous other historical events and developments including imperialism, militarism, and alliances. Militarism was the leading factor in the outbreak of war. Militarism is the philosophy that a country’s significance is shown through its military might. Such a violent ideal promotes a unnecessarily strong military force and an aggressive demeanor while negotiating national interests. Without it the World War I would not happen on such a grand scale, if it would have happened at all. Militarism has always been present in countries around the world, but it had never become such a major force until the new Kaiser of Germany, William II, rose to power. He grew up as a cadet in Potsdam and it was there that he acquired a fondness for military pomp. While receiving his education, instead of insight and wisdom, it filled him with bigoted and absurdly romantic notions of war (Schulezed et al 69). Although Bismark, the previous prime minister, dismissed the new youthful Kaiser, he was forced out of power, marking the turning point of when German militarism moved to a forefront and became the ideal of the nation, and all rational calculations were put on the back burner (Schulezed et al 70). When Germany began to build its army, there was no going back. The Social Democratic Party, the main political party at the time, was unsuccessful in opposing naval growth because military provided the working class with tens of thousands o... ...l in times of peace. He argued that military elites had too much power in European countries and World War I was a consequence of their desire for the military power and disdain of democracy. He supported the removal of rulers such as Wilhelm II, an end to aristocracy, and militarism in any shape or form. Unfortunately his ideas were implemented only after the world suffered through the second World War when history had repeated itself without anyone learning their lesson. Bibliography â€Å"Naval Rivalry.† Europe. 3rd ed. 5 vols. Beresford, Charles W., Volker R. Berghahn, Herwig H. Holger, Lambert A. Nicholas, Arthur J. Marder, Jon T. Sumida, and Lawrence Sondhaus. Farmington Hills: Tomson Gale, 2006 Schulze, Hagen. German - A New History. Massachusette: Harvard University Press, 1998. Stratachn, Hew. The First World War. New York: Penguin Group, 2004

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sorting Through the Terms :: Technology Electronics Essays

Sorting Through the Terms With new technological advances everyday, and variety of features on competing products, it is difficult to decide which make or model of a product to buy. The average consumer is overwhelmed with information provided by the manufacturers and retailers. Digital video cameras are a great example of a product with constantly changing features that often leave potential buyers confused and paying for features they will not use. Terms like Hi-8, stabilizer, mega pixels, or LCD screen size get lost in the mix. By breaking down the various features, and how much they affect the final product, can help consumers maximize their dollar. Once gaining a better understanding of how the various features affect the performance, the perspective buyer can compare cameras and make a more informed decision. After a brief description of some of the more important features on these video cameras, I am going to look at two similar cameras, the GR-D93US by JVC and Panasonic’s VDR-M50. These are similarly priced, but differ somewhat in the technology. The first thing to consider when purchasing any new electronic is what the intended use is. Many people want a camera to archive memories. Some are interested in recording and editing the video into a more sophisticated film---possibly for company promotions or very low-budget films. A select few may have a serious interest in this area and want to put quite a bit of money into this, but for our purposes, we will assume not. There are hundreds of models out there which can range from $300 to over $3000, but the truth is the average person is not in the market for the high-end camera, so we will look at the more popular hand-held cameras and what effect all the features have on the price. Digital Zoom vs. Optical Zoom: The numbers associated with zooms can often be misleading. Advertisers try to entice the buyer with large digital zooms, when in fact these numbers should not impact your decision. With simple computer editing, a digital zoom can be achieved, and in fact using the digital zoom on the camera can often make the video quality worse. The important quality to consider with zoom is the optical zoom. This describes the amount that the actual lens can zoom in on the subject.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Saint Fancis Of Assisi :: essays research papers

Saint Fancis of Assisi Saint Francis was born in 1182, in Assisi Italy. His real name is Giovanni Francesco Bernardone, but his father wanted him to be called Francis. He received very little education as a child, even though his father was a rich merchant. His father, Pietro di Bernardone, was a wealthy merchant, and his mother's name was Pica. Francis always dreamed about riding through the town as a hero. His father wanted Francis to learn about being a silk merchant, but Francis wasn't interested. Later, the city he lived in, Assissi, got into a battle with a neighboring city of Perugia, and Francis fought in the battle. He bought fancy horses, swords, and clothes to impress others. He was captured and put in jail for 1 year, and during this time he came down with a severe illness. After he was released from prison he decided to change his life. Francis visited many places, but lived in Assisi Italy. He had also lived in Mt. Subasio in 1208. There, during mass, he heard a voice saying to him three times to go out into the world and to posses nothing and do good everywhere. He then went to the Holy Land, but on his way his ship was wrecked so he had to return back to Assisi. Then he went to Egypt were he wanted to convert the Sultan but had no success. He again tried to go to the Holy Land and this time succeeded. He lived there until 1220. During this time 5 other Franciscan brothers were martyred. Francis too was willing to die for his faith, but was spared. He returned to Assisi. St. Francis had many accomplishments in his life. He began his religious life after he survived his illness. He lived as a Hermit, and attracted followers. After that, he visited hospitals and gave clothes to the ill. Sometimes he gave the homeless money and food. One time when he was walking back from prison, an old beggar came up to him. The beggar asked Francis for a cloak. Francis thought for a while, he knew he had another cloak at home, but then he wondered if the old man was trying to trick him. Francis decided to give the man his cloak and they traded cloaks. Francis said to the man that mine is warmer than the one you have and I am not cold at all Another act of kindness was when Francis was going to be a knight. His father got the best craftsman in Assisi to make him an outfit, such as armor, a cape, and weapons.

Class Rigidity and Social Mobility

In late eighteenth and early nineteenth century England there was a sort of moral ‘code' of behavior and standards that are to be maintained by the middle and upper classes of society. Austen realistically mirrors this ‘code' through the characters and plots of her novels while showing that social flexibility was narrow and class boundaries were strict. The topics of class stringency and social mobility are important areas in Jane Austen's literature. We begin to see that Austen is not a revolutionary as she supports and preserves the morals and customs of societies ierarchy.However she often encourages and backs the emergence of new wealth permitting greater social mobility. In Austen's world the naval and tradesmen' professions are means by which it is acceptable for peoples to advance their social situations. In Persuasion and Emma, we witness class rigidity as well as class mobility. Characters in the Navvy and those who are newly risen from or ‘in trade' have o btained fortune enough to become accepted into society's upper classes, which suggests that Austen allows some flexibility in her hierarchy. But, in Austen's world here are ‘rules' and limitations to social acceptance and Sir Walter Elliot and Mrs.Clay, and Mr. Elton are reprimanded for overstepping their ‘bounds'. Wealth is then the most principal determining factor of social standings and ‘suitable' matches. With wealth in mind Austen is traditional in her respect for class stability, but she recognizes the benefits of larger social flexibility with new wealth. Austen uses irony and success of the naw and tradesmen' to show the advantages that new wealth has on social mobility. Sir Walter takes great offense to the naval profession nd speaks, I have strong grounds of objection to it.First, as being the means of bringing persons of obscure birth into undue distinction, and raising men to honours which their fathers and grandfathers never dreamt of A man is in grea ter danger in the naw of being insulted by the rise of one whose father, his father might have disdained to speak to, than in any other line. (Austen, Persuasion, 20) Sir Walter is representative of the upper class of the past. He holds tight to his morals and values the traditions of his ancestry. It is evident here that he has great ifficulty in separating someone from his or her family and cannot fathom how one would not follow in his fathers footsteps.This quotation also presents that Sir Walter Elliot personally feels insulted when someone of a random family who started off below him can end up above him. He feels that he should be superior to most Navvy men because the Elliots have been at the top end of the hierarchy for so long. When sir Walter says â€Å"undue distinction† it is ironic because he implies that his distinction was well earned and the distinction and honors ofa naval officer is not. He absurdly believes he should be superior because he didn't have to do any work to achieve his title.At Persuasion's end, Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot were to be married. Austen described Wentworth, with five-and-twenty thousand pounds, and as high in his profession as merit and activity could place him, [he] was no longer nobody. He was now esteemed quite worthy to address the daughter of a foolish, spendthrift baronet, who had not had principle or sense enough to maintain himself in the situation in which Providence nad placed him, and who could give his daughter at resent but a small part of the share often thousand pounds which must be hers hereafter. Persuasion, 232) This passage shows that new wealth attained by people of low birth can have a great deal of social power Just as ancient families have social influence. It says that Wentworth was no longer a ‘nobody, so he was now worthy of Anne's hand, daughter ofa baronet, as his earnings put him on an upper class scale. By using a passive voice here it implies that society would agree that it does not matter that his wealth came from a profession, wealth is wealth, and he will be held in high regard for his earnings. The narrative also pokes fun at Anne's father, Sir Walter Elliot for being imprudent with his money.This suggests that Wentworth is more favorable to support Anne than Sir Walter, even though he thinks himself highly superior to Wentworth. After Frank Churchill arrives in town Emma takes him to shop at Ford's and says mfou will be adored in Highbury. You were very popular before you came, because you were Mr. Weston's son†Ã¢â‚¬  (Austen, Emma, 155). Mr. Weston was a former army captain and earned enough money to buy his own land putting him in a higher social situation. This quotation shows that not only is Mr. Weston associated with Highbury, he is held in high regard there.Frank Churchill is also a very wealthy man of the trade and because of his known wealth he is the talk of Highbury society. Through satire of the high-class society (Sir W alter), and through approval and regard for naw and trade' professions as a means of social mobility, Austen shows that the current social structure is moderately changing for the better. Although there are benefits of social mobility from new wealth peoples and patrons, tradition in maintaining class structure is imperative and belonging to a class should be ccompanied with finances. After Mr. Elton proposes to Emma, the narrator attempts to understand Mr.Elton's motives. Perhaps it was not fair to expect him to feel how very much he was her inferior in talent, and all the elegancies of mind. The very want of such equality might prevent his perception of it; but he must know that in fortune and consequence she was greatly his superior. He must know that the Woodhouses had been settled for several generations at Hartfield, the younger branch of a very ancient family†and that the Eltons were nobody. (Emma, 105) The narrator suggests hat Elton cannot comprehend how he is not fit ting of Emma because he himself is unfit.The snobbish tone in this passage attempting to commiserate with Elton is indicative of Austen's disapproval of such a notion. The narrator is trying to fathom why Elton thinks he is of high enough rank to even ask Emma something of the sort. It says ‘he must know suggesting that he should know that he was in the wrong. The narrator calls the Eltons nobodies; this serves as a reminder of their economic situation and place in the social hierarchy. Anne sees a possible threat in the way Mrs. Clay a polite widow recommends herself to her father Sir Walter Elliot.Anne thinks she is widely overstepping her boundaries in regard to rank. Anne, â€Å"felt the imprudence of the arrangement an acute mind and assiduous pleasing manners, infinitely more dangerous attractions than any merely personal might have been. Anne was so impressed by the degree of danger, that she could not excuse herself from trying to make it perceptible to her sisterâ₠¬  (Persuasion, 33). Anne believes it is ner obligation as a member ot the upper class to protect ner tamilYs name. She calls he match a danger and inappropriate because she knows the meaning of a ‘suitable' match, matching in class and rank.She is mindful of her social structure and how it functions and is greatly offended by even the possibility of low rank coming into her family by marriage. Because Anne is the heroine in Persuasion and we as readers associate with her ideals, it becomes clear that Austen wants us to know that marrying into a family with wealth without having wealth oneself is unacceptable. It is evident that Austen is conventional in her respect for societal traditions as none of he marriages in Austen's fiction of which she approved was economically unwise.In close, Austen sticks to tradition but is lenient in accepting new wealth into her social structure. Austen reveals class mobility when she eventually allows Anne to marry Wentworth even though they are of different heritage. The match is acceptable, as he has through the Navvy accumulated fortune and good merit enough to secure Anne's status. She also uses the ridiculousness of Sir Walter to convey that to be of the upper class it does require hard work and management, as he is thoughtless with his money causing him to fall in rank. Mr.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dowry System Essay

In India, fortune (Hindi , flairja) is the hire in cash or some kind of gifts disposed to a bride dress ups family along with the bride. Generally, they take on cash, jewellery, electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, utensils and other household items that foster the newlywed set up her home. conjoin gifts of the son of the imam of Delhi India with soldiers and 2000 guests The component arranging is thought to put great fiscal burthen on the brides family. It has been cited as one of the reasons for families andwomen in India resorting to conjure plectron in favor of sons. This has distorted the sex ratio of India (940 egg-producing(prenominal)s per thousand males) and whitethorn hit sanctifyn rise to female foeticide. The payment of a constituent has been prohibited chthonic The 1961 portion Prohibition Act in Indian civil equity and afterwards by Sections 304B and 498a of the Indian Penal economy (IPC). satisfys1 prevalence2 Laws3 kindly federal agents4 stinting factors5 domestic help frenzy5.1 strong-arm abuse5.2 aflame abuse5.3 send off6 watch to a fault7 References8 outer linksPrevalenceThe trends regarding dowery in India vary crosswise the nation.6 Over the last few decades, in that respect has been an observed transition from the brideprice course, where wealthiness flows from the groom to the brides family, to the destiny remains where wealth flows in the opposite direction. correspond to studies, areas in south India set about traditionally dear the brideprice system, stock- liquid among hurrying castes. In the north, kindly differences in matrimony led upper castes to practice a constituent system, magical spell in lower classes brideprice was much(prenominal)(prenominal) common. hook up with Procession- Bride Under a Canopy with Gifts. Circa 1800 In the last 100 yrs, the help oneselfing system has taken over the brideprice system, and the existing parcel system is becoming more fast en in cultures that have practiced it traditionally. According to research, brideprice has been declining since the beginning of the 20th century, and today precise little is still in practice. Rather, component part has been growing both in families fighting(a) and in cost crosswise India. Studies guide at that place are as well as variations on dowry prevalence establish on geography and class. States in the north are more likely to participate in the dowry system among all classes, and dowry is more likely to be in the form of boyfriendrial and negotiable goods.5 In the south, the brideprice system is still more likely, and is more often in the form of land, or other inheritance goods. This system is bind to the cordial structure of conjugal union, which keeps marri while at bottom or close to family relations.5 dower to a fault varies by class, or caste, in India. quality families are more likely to let in the dowry system than the lower class. This could be in part callable to womens stinting censure from the poke market in upper classes. LawsSee also portion rectitude in IndiaDowry became prohibited by truth in 1961 with the purpose of prohibiting the demanding, giving and winning of dowry. Although providing dowry is illegal, it is still common in umpteen parts of India for a economise to seek a dowry from the wifes family, in some cases jumper pass on to extortion or furiousness against the wife. To stop offences of abrasiveness by the husband or his relatives against the wife, discussion member 498A was added to the Indian Penal Code and section 198A to the Criminal Procedure Code in 1983. Section 498A has been criticised by many in India as beingness prone to misuse. The law was challenged in court, but upheld by the unequivocal Court of India in 2005. amicable factorsSocial changes across time have contributed to the current dowry system inIndia. around of the social factors influencing dowry include tradition , change magnitude womens rights, and the marriage squeeze, which is the dearth of legal men for marriage. Tradition is sure one explanation given by scholars to address the prevailing dowry system. one(a) aspect of this is the structure and kinship of marriage in parts of India. In the north, marriage usually follows a patrilocal (lives with husbands family) system, where the groom is a non- link up member of the family. This system encourages dowry perhaps due to the exclusion of the brides family after marriage as a form of premortem inheritance for the bride. In the south, marriage is more often conducted deep down the brides family, for example with close relatives or cross-cousins, and in a closer animal(prenominal) distance to her family. In auxiliary, brides whitethorn have the ability to inherit land, which makes her more invaluable in the marriage, decreasing the chance of dowry over the bride price system. In addition to marriage customs that may ferment dowry , social customs or rituals, and parents expectations of dowry are meaning(a) factors to consider.Several studies order of battle that while placements of people are ever-changing about dowry, the institution has changed very little, and pull down abides to prevail. In a study conducted by Rao (1980), 75% of students responded that dowry was not important to marriage, but 40% of their parents likely anticipate dowry. The social and traditional influence on dowry is not to be neglected. plot of land India has been making progress for womens rights, women continue to be subject of their family and husband. Womens education, income, and health are some signifi hobot factors that toy into the dowry system, and for how much control a charwoman has over her marriage. According to data, India still limits womens social interactions, and restricts economic and social rights. In addition, the stress and financial burden of the dowry system may poke out to son preference, which fr eighter lead to a skewed sex ratio (see also the economic factors and domestic violence sections). Lastly, there is a strong argument given for the marriage squeeze trend for dowry. This system explains that increased fertility coupled with decreased mortality has caused a shortage of eligible men has declined, raising the dependence on and cost of dowry. This increases womens competition in the marriage market, and decreases their value compared to other brides, unless(prenominal) dowry is competitive. According to Rao (1993), theseconditions will be less critical as marriage age increases for women, and pressure to find a mate declines.Indian weddings female genitals be replete events that apprise last multiple old age sparing factorsThere are many economic factors that contribute towards the system of dowry. few of these include inheritance systems and the brides economic attitude. Because female-based inheritance was not legal in India until law reforms in the 1950s, dow ry may have begun as a form of legal inheritance for daughters. The system would give women economic and financial security in their marriage in the form of movable goods. This helped prevent family wealth break-up and provided security to the bride at the same time. This system tin chamberpot also be used as a premorteminheritance, as once a woman is presented with movable gifts, she may be calamity off from the family estate.The act of bidding leave-taking to ones own family members as the bride leaves her home and steps into that of her husbands is often an delirious one However, as the system evolved, dowry has become a greater financial burden on the family, and can leave families destitute based on the demands from the groom. According to research do by Heyer (1992) and Srinivasan (2005), the amount of gold demanded as dowry has increased from around basketball team pavun (1 Pavun= 8 grams) in 1930 to 100 or more pavun in 2000. The increase in dowry prices has immense i mplications on families and on women in Indian society including forcible and emotional abuse, performance, and sex selective spontaneous abortion and infanticide (see Domestic violence section). Another factor affecting dowry is the brides economic status. When a brides family is from a upper class (or caste), the family is expected to pay more for her dowry, and provide a grand disclose of wealth. This can be detrimental to a brides wedding prospects if the family cannot afford the dowry, and can lead to some women either being forced into an unfavorable marriage or not marrying at all.Women in high castes are also sometimes not expected to contribute financially to the family she enters, besides household work, which may cause the prevalence of dowry over brideprice.Domestic violenceDowry is considered a major indorser towards observed violence against women in India. somewhat of these offences include physical violence, emotional abuses, and even move out of brides and g irls. National Crime Records in India reported approximately 6,0007,000 dowry-related deaths every year and about 43,00050,000 cases of mental and physical twisting over the years from 1999-2003, indicating that violence and dowry are a serious case concern. Physical abusePhysical violence against women has been a growing concern in India over the last few decades. belatedly married women can be a target for dowry related violence, because she is bind economically and socially to her new husband. As discussed in previous sections on social and economic factors, dowry can subvert the importance of women in society, which might lead to further domestic violence, because dowry may contribute to womens inferior status in her family and in her culture. In addition, there are studies indicating dowry as a threat, or hostage type situation, in order to attain greater coin from the brides family. This can be seen in newfangled (and often pregnant) brides, who are close vulnerable in the situation.16 This type of stuation can occur with the threat or happening of violence, so that the brides family is unexpended with no choice but to give more dowry to protect their daughter. In these cases, the husband and his family hold immense power, while the bride is left powerless this can lead to murder and suicide. The areas of the greatest observed dowry related violence is in the Indian statesof Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. Emotional abuseThe impact of dowry can leave a woman incapacitated and desperate, which can cumulate in emotional trauma and abuse. Brides are often considered owned by their husbands, and often have very little power in the marriage, which can lead to depression and suicide. Dowry reinforces these beliefs and is considered to deepen effects of emotional trauma in a marriage. MurderThe system of dowry has also been linked to murder of young brides. Physical abuses described above can also result in murder. These murders can arise due t o the financial demands from a husband, or dissatisfaction of the bride from the grooms family. In addition, the concept of Bride hot refers to the sacrificial murder of a bride who is unsatisfactory to her husband in the form of dowry. In these cases, the woman is considered a sacrifice to her husband due to her inadequacy, and is extol as an honorable woman. These cases reinforce the structure violence against women, while glorified as being purer or more set apart than a dowry death. In addition to bride murder, the institution of dowry may also reinforce sex-selective abortion and female infanticide.14 Due to the social and economic burdens of dowry, families may choose boys over girls, so that they reduce consequences of the system. This then may strengthen gendered violence and preferential male treatment in society. There are laws like shield of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 that help to reduce domestic violence and to protect womens rights.References1. bear up Godrej Nupur Jagruti- Dahej Ke Khilaf Ek Awaz 2. get-go up toa b c Anderson, Siwan (2007). 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